What you will get in 100% Savegame of Call of duty 1 PC game.
Call of Duty Savegame PC – 100% -Mission Wise You think again and again, how it’s completed. So here if you put 100 % savefile or any particular mission savegame by simply downloading from the internet, and when you restart the game, and when you load the game, then you will see there, all missions got completed. how many missions do you have completed or how many missions you have not completed, etc? When you complete some missions then, those details will save on the Call of Duty save file which is located in the Game folder – COD 1\Main\save\autosave.
How to Put Call of Duty PC 100% Savegame – Mission wise savefile in PC (Desktop or Laptop).Gameplay Screenshots After Putting Savefile.Call of Duty Savegame PC – 100% -Mission Wise.